Remake cast

JACK BROWN - Adam Sandler
U.S. BATES - James Gandolfini
ERIC BATES - Jonathan Morgan Heit
SYDNEY MOREHOUSE - Kevin James or Seth Rogen
FANCY BATES - Kelli Garner or Jessica Simpson
ANGELA BROWN - Jackie Titone
BARKLEY - Anthony Hopkins

They can leave all the swearing and PG-13 material in there as they did in the previous film. With Jack being played by Adam Sandler, they would have to cut all the racial humor out of it, including the KKK funding party. They could have Jack and Eric crash another type of fund raiser for something inappropriate. It would focuse MAINLY on Sandler's take on Jack trying to become a better role model than Eric's father, with it ending on the same note as the original did.

"Imagination is the Figment"


That would be awful, in my opinion.


One of the funniest things about it IS that a white family (the son) buys a black man. PLEASE ADAM...DON'T REDO THIS.

Wayne Enterprises buys and sells companies like Stark Industries


shouldn't Jack be played by a black guy like in the original movie? Maybe Eddie Murphy should be Jack?


Here's an interesting concept. Reverse the roles with a white "toy" adult and a black kid. In that case Jason Sudeikis would be perfect for a white Jack Brown. For the kid I'd say Will Smith's son but he might be too old at this point.


They could make it an ACORN fundraiser. Now that's corruption. :)


This film could not be remade. People would flip out at all the racial jokes. Look at what happened to the Bad News Bears when they tried to remake it. Certain films only work because of the era they were made.


True. Everyone's so touchy and whiny now (especially minorities), looking for racism in everything. Pathetic bunch. The film would only get the green light if they made Pryor's character white and dumb. Seems white-guilt Hollywood loves the double standards.


shut up racist, the ones who complain are racists like you
