All black remake

'The Ting'

'Tha Thang'

The Kang'

Wouldn't be much suspense, due to the fact that the cast would already be killing each other off long *before* the (presumably, white) alien turns up...


Well, the black on black violence statistics considered... you're probably right.


They'd have to set it somewhere warmer.


Hopefully feature some fried chicken!


Good ol' racism. When you can't think of something funny, just be racist.


Yes, I must apologise for my (unwarranted) racism, which isn't based in (or around) any statistical reality.

I tell you what...Next time a bunch of negroes kill each other en-masse (most likely tonight, in Chicago, for example?) Don't blame *them* for their savagery ...just send the police to my door (as my unwarranted 'racism' is surely the root cause of blacks taking zero responsibility for their own actions?)


"It's not racist, it's are the stats!"

I should hate all white people since 87% of all serial killers and mass murderers "statistically" are white, right? Since 91% of racially motivated hate crimes in the United States are carried out by white people, that means I should make racist "jokes" at an entire skin color's expense, correct?

If I, a Buntu man of Rwanda, approached you on the street, would your first thought really be "oh god, this negroe savage is gonna kill me! He cant take responsibility for his own actions! The stats say I'm gonna die!"

And no, before you say "it's a joke" or "it's just dark humor, grow up" I ask what the joke even is? I've met dozens of white guys who'll spew the n-word and say "it's just a joke, grow a spine". What's the punchline?


What is the percentage of white people that are serial killers? .00000001%
What is the percentage of blacks with a violent criminal record? 35%
Looking at statistics involves understanding ratios.


Yup, as usual the proportionality is twisted to suit your agenda.
Everytime you (or others like you) do this, you do nothing but highlight the fact that a 15% minority commits around 60% majority of crime. This is also pretty much the same ratio in most other countries that blacks inhabit.

I'm sure your skewered 'serial killer' analogy impresses your buddies (outside the 7-11) but it's plain and simple bullshittery (end of)
I (jokingly) highlighted your disproportionate crime rates and that (somehow) it's never the fault of the perp...and (to prove me right) you fire back with whataboutisms about whites (and even they were proportionally dishonest)

Like I said, no responsibility for your actions. I sincerely hope you're living in Rwanda...and if not, why?


"Jokingly" racist. I'm sure it's all jokes at your klan rally.

You proved absolutely nothing, except that you're a total idiot with a username named after one of the worst actors of all time, a man who's known as one of the biggest compulsive liars in Hollywood. Very fitting, I see the influence. There's nothing even remotely for me to own up to. I'm not sure if you're just playing dumb or if you are genuinely lacking in the head.

I came to America on a college scholarship. I'd love to see you even try to sniff one of those. If you did, you'd probably know basic American history and the atrocities that still shape black lives even centuries later. I'm basically arguing with an insect right now and you certainly belong at the bottom of a shoe.


You're not arguing at all (you don't have an argument) just more whataboutisms?

You've been called out for your bullshittery about crime statistics (and not just by me) and because you're unable to back up anything you've said, you now resort to:

1) Calling out my username (how very 2002 of you?) How dare you call out the 'beloved' Sensei (SLM - Seagal Lives Matter) I'm 'offended' (etc) Is it time for ME to burn and loot stores (for sneakers and TV's) eh?

2) Bleat on about (yawn!) "American Atrocities"...Despite the fact you've studied (and I'd presume still living) there? Made all the more ironic, coming from a Rwandan (given YOUR record with atrocities?)

Was it 'Affirmative Action' that got you into College? It can't have been anything remotely Academic...Because only a dumb motherfucker would go study in a country...that they themselves blame (quote) "Atrocities that still shape black lives even centuries later" on, surely?
Living in countries that neither want (nor need) you, proves that you're very existence is motivated purely by revenge (for percieved atrocities YOU have never actually suffered) Which, when translated, means "Free Shit"

Secondly, You know fuck-all-about-fuck-all...You (and others like you) ALWAYS conveniently forget that it was blacks that sold their own into slavery (and still practice such to this very day)

Why couldn't you study in Rwanda?

Yet you'll gladly come to America (despite your obvious hatred of it) and go through life constantly talking about "Atrocities"...Whilst (again, conveniently) forgetting that in 1994 (not centuries ago...not even 30 fucking years ago) YOUR own massacred up to/around a million of YOUR own...No doubt the White Man's fault too?

I wouldn't scoff too much about your "College Scholarship" evidenced on this very thread, you're clearly of limited intelligence, and in all probability, unable to keep a sandwich down (let alone a job) But worry not, the very same 'oppressive' USA will likely throw you a equally meaningless PHD (as you long as you keep ramming your "poor black folk" shit down their throats) Your 'mental-shackles' are self-inflicted and will ne attatched to you (and yours) forever.

Is it any wonder that Americans have problems with black malcontents, when all YOU do is spout the same bullshit about "American Atrocities" whilst getting your education there? Talk about being 'ungrateful'?

Obviously, someone as dense as yourself, can't see the irony of bemoaning a country that gives YOU an actual education (whereas your own shithole, genocidal country won't)
Then YOU have the temerity to say you're (quote) "Arguing with an insect"
Wheras, back home, you'd be eating them, eh?

If you are going to reply (God-Forbid) please raise your bar, above and beyond moving goalposts, pigeon-English, Self-Pity and Whataboutisms?




This sounds like a great key and peel skit .
