It's like a porno without the sex scenes

That is how I found this movie. It has all the cheesieness that a good late night Cinemax porno has, but it's missing that one crucial element. I would have forgiven the director had he put in a scene where we got to see Linet's rack. That would have been nice. Instead I spent the whole movie creeped out by watching Sir "Light As A Feather" Gawain pretending to be manly. Ya, I'm sorry to keep complaining but not only was the movie cheesey, the actor cast for the lead just creeped me way out.


that guy has Jenny Jones hair


This had to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I can't believe Connery even agreed to play in it. That horrible music....omg


Exactly! There are so many aspects of this movie that fall into the "so bad it's good" category (or at least the "so bad it's fun to watch category"), but the music is not one of them.

More than once I was tempted to turn it off because the music was becoming downright unbearable. Luckily the score stops and starts quite often, which allowed me to keep watching to the finale.

Jeez, sometimes the music just sounds like someone pounding on an old synthesizer with their elbows and forearms - ugh! I wonder how much better this score would sound if it were played backwards...or maybe sideways!!

It couldn't sound much worse either way!


"I can't believe Connery even agreed to play in it." Oh,really? have you seen First Knight? Zardoz? League of Extraordinary Bad Actors? Love Connery, wonder about his taste in scripts.


This is comes from an era when women were real women...friggin' hot! Men sometimes had silly pageboy haircuts, but that's another story.


I don't think the lead actor was much at fault. I think he's actually one of the better elements in this crazy thing.
