Best Toby?

IMHO, Neil Patrick Harris in the concert version was the best Toby I've ever seen. I may be a bit biased however because I have a major crush on him.

Idiots are fun. No wonder every village wants one.


I like Edmund Baganell (sp?) from the tour cast...I saw him in LA and he was brilliant!

OMIGOD, NPH as Toby?! Must see now...I have a major crush on him, as well...:P

I~O #10

Here's to being an "us" for once, instead of a "them"! LA VIE BOHEME!


I thought NPH was easily the best single thing about the concert version.

(I confess, I'm not a big Patti Lupone fan, though I know that'll wipe out my credibility in many people's eyes. Her style might be seen differently from an American perspective, but for me she's always OTT in uncomfortable ways, and her accent was awkwardly erratic. So I didn't care for her Mrs Lovett at all, either in the concert version or the Broadway revival.)

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.
