what could have been

I adore this movie, I loved it when it first came out, and I just saw it again. it's quite different without any cuts, much better of course. but I can't help but think what could have been with this movie. I feel the whole thing takes a wrong turn when the mothers show up and are shocked a bit at the three.

I feel this could have been a real classic indie art film had they just continued the feel of the first part of the movie. it had this certain something, this pace.this atmosphere to it. I say take out the goofy comedy parts and eliminate the damm mothers showing up. instead go deeper into the 3 way relationship, throw some real drama in there with the three. this film should have been even more focused on the three main characters. it still could have been a light fun movie though even with these changes. sure it was kinda funny when the moms first showed up, but then the rest of the movie suffers. almost like two different movies.

just my humble opinion which doesn't mean much but just thought I'd give it out and see if anybody agrees with me.

actually I don't know how "deep" you could really go with these actors, I don't think darly hannah is really capable for that, or peter galahger for that matter but I think it could have been a real classic and much much more appreciated today had they not gone for the cheap oh the mothers in laws show up,surprise! thing.

maybe this has already been discussed here in another thread as I didn't take the time to read all of them
