Location Question

Does anyone know the name of the place they were supposedly staying? It appeared to be some kind of small rental villa, as they had to check in and out, and the door/gate to the veranda was numbered. I have been searching on the web for a place like this but I don't even know the name of the city.

My husband and I are considering a 'big' trip for our 15th anniversary next fall and I would LOOOOVE to visit the Greek Islands...but I really want to stay in a place like theirs!

Any help would be really appreciated, thanks!


Somewhere in Santorini, I think in Fira or Oia.


It is located in Oia, the northern town of Santorini. It is still standing and is now a souvenir shop called appropriately...Summer Lovers. There are lots of hotels in the town...most are very pricy. Try the Delfini at their website
http://www.delfinivillas.com/ It is the most reasonable priced and it is on the cliff edge as you will see.

Cheers, Howard


Oia, Santorini is a must to visit. Never have I been to a place so tranquil and stunning. It is a wonderful resort picturesque village and of course is more developed since 1982.
During a very recent visit to this place, I actually came across the lovely souvenir shop, Summer Lovers. The owners are very friendly and bought the villa in 1987 and is also their residence.
The lovely villa that Lina had lived in the movie, is now a very pricey hotel/traditional caves called Art Maisons-Oia. Very appropriate for a romantic getaway-seems ideal for anniversaries, honeymoons and such.
While dining at one of the many fabulous restaurants, I glanced to the right and saw Michael & Cathy's villa (clearly marked "Summer Lovers"), looked to the left and saw Lina's villa (now a luxury hotel, Art Maisons)...I was pretty ecstatic about that discovery as this movie is what had inspired me to go to Santorini. And I will return again!
For all those who are intrigued by the Greek islands of the Cyclades, I highly encourage everyone to visit.


Was just checking out the Delfini Villas website, and I'm dying laughing -
All of the rooms & houses are air conditioned and have a tv - definitely not the spartan simplicity of Summer Lovers!
Thanks for the link!


I recently checked prices for the Oia (Ia) area of Santorini, came up at $800-$3700 a night. Far from the $100 they said it cost for 8 weeks in the movie back in 1982.

