Its taken 30 years!!

I remember when this movie came out, as Chigaco had a big hit record here (the UK) because of it, and their video contained clips from the movie. Anyway, I didn't get to see it back in 1982, but finally did watch it last week...And, I have to say that it was a disappointing letdown. Mainly because the acting was so stilted, and the script underwritten. I can excuse Valérie as she had to speak English via her accent. But Hannah and Gallagher's performances really left a lot to be desired. This was surprising, as they had made movies before this one. I think that when Barbara Rush and her friend turned up in the film, they improved things quite a lot for a while, as they are two great and lively actresses. They acted the pants of them youngsters, by far. They deserved much more screen time in my view.

The film looks great, and so do the cast. There is plenty of eye candy around, and there were a few good scenes here and there, but on the whole, I think that a European director like Francois Truffaut, would've made this a much better movie. I would suggest to anyone reading this, try watching his film Baisers Volés and see how lusting after someone can be portrayed on film properly.


You're absolutely right. I was "fortunate" enough to see this film when it was first released in 1982. I was 17 years-old and in the process of self-discovery. The acting was not great and I can't even say that this was a good love story. But the scenery and location are stunning. I would say that the real star of this film is Santorini. Since the summer of '82 remains my best summer ever, anything associated with it has sentimental value for me. I can't say this is one of my favorite films but whenever I see it, it feels as though I am traveling back in time to that summer. My only regret is that I rushed through it. If I could go back and relive it, I would take the time to savor every moment. All I had to worry about was getting dates for Friday and passing my driving test. It was my final innocence. And I miss it terribly now.
