Time line goof

Although it is accepted that Star Trek takes place in the 23rd century,it was stated in this movie that Khan's followers pledged alliegence to him 200 years ago. If they were from 1996, as stated, and this movie takes place in the 23rd century (2285), then Khan and his followers were not from 200 years ago, but closer to 300.


I don't recall anyonne saying it was exacly 200 years ago, or that the movie took place in 2285. Is that date actually in the movie, or just a bit of deduction based on dates mentioned in other stories?

Glasgow's FOREMOST authority Italics = irony. Infer the opposite please.


The series always took place 300 years after the airing of each episode, according to IMDB. Thus, the series episode, "Space Seed", where Khan first appeared was aired in Feb., 1967 and in the trivia section indicates that this episode takes place in 2267, 300 years into the future. In the movie, The Wrath of Khan, it was mentioned several times that Khan was a product of "late 20th Century Genetic Engineering". It was mentioned by Khan to Chekov, however that his followers "pledged allegience to him 200 years before you were born", hence the discrepancy. The trivia section also indicates that Star Trek II takes place in 2285, 300 years in the future.


You have to take these things with a grain of salt. In "Space Seed" they refer to the nineteen-nineties as the time of Earth's last world war--the "Eugenics Wars".


Like The Price Is Right, you have to get the nearest hundred without going over.

21 Fake CJs and 2 CowboyWizards Ignored (and counting)


Two things:

1) Star Trek's exact time line was not established until season one of TNG, so anything Khan said would have just been an estimate by the writer's

2) Khan told Chekov that his followers pledged their lives to him 200 years before he was BORN so it gives you a little more wiggle room in the other direction
