MovieChat Forums > Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) Discussion > Mel Gibson's William Wallace, but superh...

Mel Gibson's William Wallace, but superhuman and a bit insane.

That's how I see Khan in this film. Avenging a dead wife against those responsible for her death, leading his people against an enemy to a better future, he is tactically brilliant and his bountiful ability attracts loyal followers, as does his supernatural charisma and affable personality. Khan is what Braveheart's William Wallace would might have been had he been raised as Edward I's adoptive son but rebelled when he learned he was really a Scotsman. He is also like Moses, but much more sadistic and not holy or humble at all. He probably saw himself as Moses at one point too were he real.

I don't know. I just saw both of these films and the characters seemed strangely similar to me, even in their physical appearance save that Khan is much older than Wallace was when he died.


Watch the Original Series episode "Space Seed" which The Wrath of Khan is a sequel to, Khan is brilliantly insane and nothing like William Wallace:

Kirk didn't kill Khan's wife like Wallace's wife was executed in Braveheart. Khan's wife was Lt Marla McGivers, she became a Federation traitor when she tried to help him overthrow the crew of the Enterprise. When it failed, Kirk gave her the choice of staying with Khan on Ceti Alpha V or staying with the Enterprise crew and she chose to stay with Khan.


Khan's blaming of Kirk is part of his insanity. In many ways the characters are nothing alike, but in other ways they are very similar. I just saw both of these movies recently, and some similarities struck me.
