Who would you have cast as Khan...?

...instead of Benedict Cumberbatch in Star Trek Into Darkness?


Probably Oscar Isaac.

A journey into the realm of the obscure: http://saturdayshowcase.blogspot.com/


Isaac looks too young... then again I hated the Abrams/Orci/Kurtzman reboot and how it overwritten and eliminated the original canon.


Donald Trump as Khan.


Alan Rickman R.I.P.


Alan Rickman would have been great


Alan Rickman would have been great--I actually like Benedict in the part, he did as much as he could with it, but personally I wish they had stayed completely away from Khan, Ricardo Montalban was so perfect in the role, and I really don't see anyone else as Khn, especially as the casting was the same in the show and the film.

It is not our abilities that show who we truly are...it is our choices


Alan Rickman would have been great

"ST:ID" took place before the events of the original "Space Seed" episode from TOS. Khan was in his 30's (after being cryogenically frozen for 200 years) at that time. Rickman in his 60's would not have worked as Khan at all. Not disparaging the actor, loved his work and he left us far too soon, but Khan he is not.

Harman Bweja, a Sikh actor, would have been my choice. Khan was a Sikh and even though Montalban played the role convincingly, casting another latin actor for Khan would have been just as weird as the choice of Benedict Cumberbatch.


I think Antonio Banderas would be an exceptional khan. Though it'll be hard to surpass Ricardo Montalban


An unknown, or a respected actor from Bollywood?


Although I believe Benedict Cumberbatch was miscast as Khan, he was overall the best fit for Into Darkness.

Into Darkness changed the character of Khan drastically, Cumberbatch fit that characterization. If they had decided to do something more like the original Khan, I would have cast Javier Bardem.


Dwayne Johnson 😂

Seriously though, I think the suggestion of a Bollywood actor was a good idea. Salman Khan comes to mind, as an Indian action star who is old enough to be Khan, and looks like he could actually throw Kirk across the room with one hand. I am sure there are others too.

The idea of the whitest Englishman in acting playing an Indian warlord was just comical to me. Great actor horrendously miscast.


Benecio Del Toro or Javier Bardem
