This movie's sucks

I hate this movie, it is so overrated, i gave it a 1 out of 10.


You are a freking moron, who probably has no idea about the genius of music to display a storyline which has many underlining themes running through it. Clearly you had no childhood or any sense of depth in your character.

1/10 my arse , wtf do you enjoy, probably some *beep* like dude where's my car.


i am a horror and comedy fan douchebag


wouldn't it be better to say it was your 'cup of tea', how old are you I imagine this may also impact upon your enjoyment, or perhaps you just lack empathy for the little boy who has lost his friend forever, it isn't like frosty the snowman who will be back next year.


oooooooooooooh are you going to cry


Fine, what films do you like so we can take the piss.



I bet you cried your eyes out at it and it pi**ed you off so you pretend you hate it so you don't get bullied by the big boys at school.... awww bless. It's ok you know. Even big boys cry sometimes! One day when you're a man you'll realise that.


The two genre's that require almost no thought.

Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone.


Then what are you doing on the Snowman page?


The fact you say the word douchebag makes me glad you hate the film, I would be insulted if you liked it!!


People like bulldogboy here makes me loose faith in humanity...


why is that people go to threads to complain about movies?

" sit down, have a drink, know what i think, you need to lighten up" - scarecrow


People who think saying douchebag is exciting tend to be too young to drive ... probably too old and too young to like this.


whats with the apostrophe in the word movie in the thread title. Does the movie own a sucks or something?



I like horror and comedy too but I absolutly adore this film. I don't know person in Ireland who doesn't!

You shouldn't limit yourself to only one or two types of film because you loose out big time.

And if you don't like this film at least gives us good reasons why instead just saying I hate this movie. It's such a cop-out.

Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis


Your spelling's sucks.


you sicken me, illiterate loser

Dr. Everett Scott: Janet!
Janet: Dr. Scott!
Brad: Janet!
Janet: Brad!
Frank: Rocky!


If you dislike it so much, why take the time to even make this post? You must be bored and attention starved. There are plenty of film out there that appeal to brain dead morons.
