Seen in Spinal Tap

Trivia: never seen the movie, but it is seen on a theater marquee in the film This is Spinal Tap, playing at the Tower Theater at Eighth Street and Broadway in Los Angeles. Look for it in the scene where Bruno Kirby is driving them in the limo.


Wow, that's interesting! I'll have to watch "Spinal Tap" again to check it out. I had never heard of "The Sender" until today, when I found it for a buck in the clearance bin of a record store. I hope it's worthwhile. Crank it up to 11!



Very weird... I watched Spinal Tap last night and just watched The Sender tonight.

"Congratulations, you're going to go down in history as the man who killed Superman."


That is weird. Is it a total coincidence, or did "Spinal Tap" inspire you to tap into "The Sender." Nonetheless, they'd make a great double bill, if for no other reason than I love both films.


I added both This Is Spinal Tap and The Sender to my Watchlist around 4 days ago. I watched This Is Spinal Tap first - I've never seen it before - and spotted The Sender advertised on the cinema billboard in the background as the group were in the limousine. Just finished The Sender which prompted me to this board.
