Only in the 80's...

...could a PG-rated family movie include a scene where the parents are smoking weed in bed. If they tried that in a family movie today, the audience would be outraged, demanding a refund and "more minions." Man, *beep* family movies of the 21st century.


The soccer moms would be all over The Facebooks and Chat-Snap


Absolutely not. PG was way more lenient in the 80's. Remember, when this came out, there was no PG-13. PG movies had quite a bit of foul language and raunchy humor back then. The 80's is definitely the best decade of movies that I have lived in.


It was a better world then. The liberal morons didn't have a platform like they do today.


Well stated Cobra.


I feel like the liberals are more down with casual weed than conservatives though :/
