MovieChat Forums > Pandemonium (1982) Discussion > Actress Teri Landrum Gault (Mandy) Has D...

Actress Teri Landrum Gault (Mandy) Has Done Well In Life.

Actress Teri Landrum Gault (Mandy) Has Done Well In Life.

I just saw her in the cult comedy PANDEMONIUM (1982) and she was very funny in her scenes.

She stole the show.

She could have been a big star.

I wonder why she gave it up?

Here is what she has been doing lately. ewwindow=1&safe=off&rlz=1T4GGHP_enUS366US367&prmd=imvns&am p;am p;am p;tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Omk6UL-JAsaryQH9r IGABA&ved=0CGQQsAQ&biw=1259&bih=593


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