American beer

Can I say this? I'd better censor it.
"American beer is like making love in a canoe : it's f*cking close to water!"
This is the best one-liner anyone's ever written. Who agrees with me? I think I laughed for the rest of the day the first time I heard this. That's what makes Eric Idle so much more that just a (very) pretty face. Most puns are crap, but he invented really great, funny, clever puns that weren't a bit cheesy.


Yeah, I absolutley adore that joke!
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I've said that line a number of times...I'm a writer, so I tend to hate using other people's lines, but this one is so funny, I just have to!

What's your favorite color?
Blue ... no, yelloooowwwww!


Actually, I don't think it's Eric's joke. The joke's been around for years - "love-in-a-boat coffee", is the usual one.

Not wanting to diss Eric in any way, though. His delivery was just perfect.

Ant farms: cruel and barbaric, or not that bad really?


I went and saw Erik live on his "Greedy B*stard Tour" a few years ago, and he actually messed up that joke! He said "We come from we think your American beer is a little bit like *beep*ing in a canoe. No - I *beeped* that up! Of course, the audience were all die-hard Python fans and they laughed anyway.


Definitely an old joke - the beverage changes to suit the situation. However, they were spot on about the beer (even if they were holding cans of the worst beer in the universe at the time. Fosters is actually Australian for cat pee - we don't drink it here, we send it to England).


I heard a good corollary to it recently.

Q. Why is American beer served very cold?

A. So you can tell it from p*ss.


God bless the U.S. Army for sending me to Germany, where I learned the truth about beer, which is that, with notable exceptions in recent years, American beer ain't real beer.

Just as a wise man can say something foolish, a fool can say something wise.


There is a blonde woman in the audience with the obligitory white handkerchief on her head singing with this sketch. I'm almost positive she is a character actress, but I can't place her. It drives me crazy every time I watch this dvd (I eventually forget about it) and we just watched it again last night so now I've revived my quest for her name and what she's been in. Can anyone help??


American craft beer is by far, better than most beers in the world.


it's a fantastic line, and the delivery is perfect... when i joined imdb back in the day, it was the first thing i thought of, when i chose my signature, and it is still my signature today

We find your American beer like making love in a canoe. It's *beep* close to water!


This line kills me everytime i hear it
