
I liked this movie and think that it could have been longer to watch The father grow older and into the scandal. However, I think that this movie does'nt work because Reeve is miscast. He gives off goody two shoes , white bread vibe. At no time do you think that he is from the lower east side and that he is capable of fronting a criminal enterprise. Imagine this movie if it had a star like Robert Deniro in it.


That's likely the reason why Reeve took the part.

He wanted to show that he could play darker roles and show he could do more than wear a cape.

It's a tragedy that people didn't realize just how good as actor he was until it was too late. Even playing Superman, he put nuances into the part that really added to the character.

Reeve was a very good actor...and apparently an even better human being.


I think Reeve was a little too desperate to avoid being typecast and known only as Superman, which lead him to take roles like this without being choosy so long as the role was nothing like Superman.


Good point, but the script is not very good either. The movie looked to much like a play or a book. It was not translated well on the screen.


Christopher Reeve was a mediocre actor at best. He just didn't have the range to pull it off. The film, despite Christopher Reeve's wooden acting, was so revealing about the inner workings of the Catholic church that it remained fascinating despite his awful acting.

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Wow! Christopher Reeve was "a mediocre actor at best" in your opinion? Who died and left you the greatest film critic? I know everybody's entitled to an opinion, but I doubt a great actress like Katharine Hepburn would have thought so highly of anyone mediocre at best. And there are many others who agree with her.


I've been watching hundreds of films and it's difficult NOT to see the "craft" or acing contrivances behind the performances. Based on that I can't help but notice good acting or bad acting. I'm sticking with my opinion on this, Christopher Reeve was pretty mediocre in delivering his lines. I saw no exceptional "in the moment" moments with his film performances.


Again, you missed the whole point. You just repeated the same thing. What makes you smarter than Katharine Hepburn at recognizing true talent?


No, I have not missed the point. You don't want to listen because you have invested your emotions in your viewpoint . The artistic or craft is created for the enjoyment or edification of the audience, not other artists. If, I as the audience member, find Christopher Reeve's performance uninspired, it's totally a subjective opinion. Katherine Hepburn, or you, have no say in my experience except to say you don't agree with it.

BTW, You will never hear professional actors/actresses say anything negative about their peers in a interview. The film industry is far too small to say anything except glowing accolades for each other peers. Do you really thing Katherine Hepburn was going to go on record that Christopher Reeve needed to work on his acting craft? Of course not!

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


It's amazing how highly you think of yourself. Are you God? I think not. And don't say I invested my emotions in my viewpoint, you don't know me.
Katharine Hepburn didn't have to say anything that good about Reeve. She was way above the other actors and you know it. Or at least you should. And it wasn't just one time, when they played together on stage. But, why do I bother make a "god" understand anything? If you don't get it, just stay that way.


"It's amazing how highly you think of yourself. Are you God? I think not. And don't say I invested my emotions in my viewpoint, you don't know me.
Katharine Hepburn didn't have to say anything that good about Reeve. She was way above the other actors and you know it. Or at least you should. And it wasn't just one time, when they played together on stage. But, why do I bother make a "god" understand anything? If you don't get it, just stay that way."--avalhon

Avalhon, why don't we just agree to disagree and go on our separate ways.
Take care and enjoy watching movies.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


As I was saying before, it's sad but true that everyone's entitled to an opinion. I've just never met anyone like you with an attitude of a "god". As for going my way and leaving you on your own, be sure I'll do that.


Makes you wonder what that person thinks is a good performance/ performer. Maybe Chris wasn't mucho enough?

I'm sure Hepburn would have had a word with the theatre director on the quiet if she felt Reeve wasn't up to it. Even from the small clips from his soap days, he was great !!!

Oh well, everyone's got different taste I suppose.


Amen avalhon.

Chris Reeve was a fantastic actor, just can't believe people don't see it? He was so subtle & truthful. Can't remember seeing him give a bad performance.

I remember seeing this film in the early 80's and I loved it. Not sure it will stand up as well now, but it really touched me & I love both lead actors.

Actually, just put it on to buy list on Amazon, hehe.
