smiles of a summer night

i know that woody allen is a huge bergman and it seems that this one seems like a parody/play on that. opinions?

this is a great movie. maybe now ill stop confusing tony roberts with tony robbins

"tony robbins hungry."
- family guy


According to IMDB, Allen based it on the Bergman.



Of course this film is based on SMILES OF A SUMMER NIGHT.


One of his more blatant imitations, but this guy does nothing but imitate. He should have taken a clue from Preston Sturges and stuck to farce instead of heavy-breathing-deep-think pseudo-art. "Sleeper" was almost a great film, but Allen had to take a wrong turn and make "significant" ones.


Yes but it is even more influenced by Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

I read it in 9th grade and the entire time, kept being felt taken back to it by this film.


I hope you finally were able to stop confusing Tony Roberts with Tony Robbins? One's a gifted actor, the other's a phony huckster. I think Tim Robbins and Tony Robbins would be more easily mistaken for the other, but even that seems like a reach.


I know I have little chance of having this comment read, but I just wanted to record for posterity how much I enjoyed this film. I loved the characters, the story and gags, and Gordon Willis' talented camera work. It evoked the playfulness and joy that summer in the country often engenders. I found it to be a pleasant and fun film that shouldn't be dismissed as one of Allen's weakest films.


Agreed, I loved it!


"i know that woody allen is a huge bergman and it seems that..."

Bergman must we very small then.
