God ive been searching for this film for 20 years!!!!!!!

I used to have it on some old vhs that my dad taped. I'd watch it over and over when i was a kid but the beginning was cut off so i never knew the name, i remembered parts of it but you try searching through the net for words like 'boy, lost, planet, mike, communicator, time'
im so glad i found it, I never even realised it was a french film, i must've seen the dubbed version. Some of teh imagery and voices have really stayed in my mind.
I see there is now the original french version on amazon, im just scared it wont be the same. Like when you watch Akira with the new voices.

Anyone got Les Maîtres du temps after a long search? is it as good as you remember? Is it as scary and uncomfortable? The alien getting caught in the tentacles i remember as one of the most horrific scenes ever.


Hi Zombola,

I also found this recently - the English Dubbed version no less...featuring Ray Brooks (that's Mr. Benn to you and I).

I watched it about 3 weeks ago and, although it isn't quite as good as I remember (remember it is really a children's film) I still really enjoyed watching it, and I wasn't left feeling deflated like so often happens when rewatching these old classics.

Anyway, if you're interested I recently posted a fairly large review (with spolers, beware) on my site here...





you have the english dubbed version? would you be willing make a copy at all?
Im pretty sure i have an old vhs copy at my mums house but the quality will be crap and it'll take a good day to find it


If I were you I'd make a back up of that as teh English language version no longer exsists. At least not at the BBC.
