MovieChat Forums > Les Maîtres du temps (1984) Discussion > end of the film - please help!!!

end of the film - please help!!!

Hello I saw this a long time ago and I can't remember the ending. I know there is possibly a twist and I vaguely remember something to do with a head trauma or something.

Please can you help as it's really bugging me.


"Dem girls, dem girls dey all love me"


I just half-watched it and the old man Salbin was really the young boy Peil that the gang was looking for. How the kid went back into time I'm not really sure. Could anyone else shed some light on this and properly explain the ending? Smith


Yes I thought it was something like that. I vaguely recall a tin plate in the head too......?

"Dem girls, dem girls dey all love me"


Yeah, he received that cranium damage when the big hornet-things swarmed and attacked him when he was a young boy. They pecked the crap out of his head until it was bald in a spot and bleeding. He had lost "Mike" and so the group couldn't find him. A pair of space pirates came out of nowhere and rescued Piel from the hornets. The tramatic attack was the reason for the old man's/Piel's amnesia, that's why he could never remember his parents or original name.

Now at the old man's funeral, a "Time-Master" magically appears. I guess he sent Piel into the past, but as I said I was working at the time it was on and couldn't watch all of it. Superman IV: Deadlier than Kryptonite


Thannks so much for that. I rally want to get a copy of this DVD but I'm scared too - In case I watch it and it's crap (films like this genereally seem better when you're young).

I used to love the Garbage Pail Kids film, then I bought it a few years ago on video hoping it would still be fantastic.......I was wrong, it was crap!

"Dem girls, dem girls dey all love me"


Hi, I watched this movie when I was a kid and I never forgot it. I re-watched it a few years ago and it's still very special. But in my memory it wasn't that "slow" in narration. It didn't ruin my memory to watch it again, because it really is a piece of art in my opinion but the appeal wasn't in the suspense of the story anymore. So you may still be able to anjoy it but on a different level, you have to adjust some things in your perspective maybe. It's far away from crap, for sure, but it may be a different thing to watch it again today. Enjoy.

"No one here is exactly what he appears..."


I just watched this again, and even being now a 23-year old male, it still made me cry! One of only two ever films to manage it! Seriously though, if you were to watch this again (though it's not available in English officially on DVD)I genuinely think it would hold up, just watched it today as it happens, and I still love it, it holds the same place in my heart it did all those years ago. The only difference being, I can actually understand it now!

"Do I get a coconut?"

"If we get out of this, I'll buy you all the coconuts you can eat!"


Just watched it 2 days ago. Damn hard movie to find! Basically the twist is this:

- When they break off the Blue Comet's gravity well they were hitchhiking, they enter a weird space-time distortion, being caused by the Time Masters which are sending the planet 60 years into the past because of a method they use to "fast colonize" the planet.

- The planet appears all around Igor, who lands on the surface, right on time to save Piel from the giant hornets. Due to the brain damage, Piel doesn't remember who he is, and gets a new name, from which his current nickname (Silbad) derives.

- Old Piel/Silbad is affected by the radiation caused by the energy flux of being near the planet when it was sent back in time; the telepath gnomes are able to extract his memories of the attack (and thus find out what happened to Piel) just before he dies.
