MovieChat Forums > Les Maîtres du temps (1984) Discussion > Finally found it! never forgotten this f...

Finally found it! never forgotten this film

saw this in the late '80s. must have been 6 or 7 at the time, but the images endured. unfortunatly the title didn't - i've been trying for years to find out what it was called or remember enough to search for it.

the giant hornets and the young boy, the alien planets, spaceships etc are all vague flashes of image, the only real thing of substance i could remember was a name. "igor". so after searching the imdb character list for all characters named igor in films made in the 80's (not an easy task - since the title is in french!) i have finally found it!!!

feels great to have the answers and to find out it left an unforgettable impression on so many others out there! damn it's good to not have that bugging me anymore :)

now all i have to do is pony up the hundred plus pounds to buy a copy on amazon!!!


Me too. It's taken me almost 20 years to find out what it was called and I finally managed it by ordering a back copy of the Radio Times from Christmas 1987!. Gutted that it's so hard to get hold of.


replying to a post from 2007 in 2013...makes me feel like a time traveller ;p

found this movie nowadays on youtube ;p
loved the imagery from Jean Giraud (Moebius)


It's being re-released, and now in wide-screen, though it still doesn't seem to include the dub. See this if you haven't done so already:


Wehey, glad i've finally found this film title
I've got an old collection of Beta max videos and was sure I had the film but had no idea of the title as watched years ago as a kid.
I recently got hold of a Beta max but it was chewing up the tapes so had to give up, I got hold of a film the other day Fantastic Planet which seemed similar, by chance I took a look on here to see if there was a sequel and noticed this thread.
I'm so happy now and going to try and get a copy.


yay! a friend bought this film for me bacause i'd been so desperate to see it again!i kept going on about a spooky film i'd seen when i was wee. it wasnt as scary as i remembered - thank gawd.


I remember this film as a kid, but like most people I couldn't remember what the heck it was called. I just found it being advertised on DVD in a magazine today, so I had to come here to check if it was the same film.

All I could ever remember was the old man, the kid and his weird pet and probably the most downbeat ending to an animated film I ever saw. Very weird, very French.



I remember watching this one saturday morning when I was a kid. I was entranced by it and I managed to remember the title. not that it did me any good as I could never find it anywhere until recently. The version we watched on teh BBC was dubbed by the beeb themselves so, as far as I know, no official dubbed version exists. It'd be nice to get one.


Wow, i totally forgot about this movie, but people mentioning giant hornets brought it all back! I also was very impressed by it as a child, when I watched it on German television. It seemed very scary back then..

I just stumbled in here because I was looking up Moebius (Jean Giraud) the writer, and thought that the movie picture looked strangely familiar. I was looking him up because I just came across another childhood memory, a comic book he illustrated for Jodorowski, called John Difool. It looks very much the same weird scifi style. It's never been published in English as far as I know, but if you know Spanish, German or Dutch you should be able to track it down, it's very much worth it.

And thanks for the link up there, I just ordered the DVD from amazon! I wonder if it is still scary though.... :)


Same story with me, saw it many many years ago as a child and certain bits stayed with me...particularly how depressing I found it!

The only solid name I could remember, after all these years, was 'Jaffar' but that was it. The rest was little bits here and there, such as the boy being attacked by the hornets and having the metal plate, the old man being him, the prince guy writhing amidst tentacles and the boy's creature friend getting quite horribly eaten by a cave monster.

But stuff like that isn't much to go on for a plot synopsis, so I've spent the last couple years on-and-off, whenever I remembered it, searching around Google.

And now finally I've found it!


I watched this one sometime around 1988, during the Cervantino Festival in Guanajuato, Gto, Mexico. I never forgot the title, so it wasn't that hard to find it here. The hard part was finding the movie itself... which I finally did, last Saturday.

It was the first time in 20 years I watched that movie ... and the 2nd time in my entire life. Still as good, and as weird as I remembered it.


Totally with you there. I watched it roughly aged 5 or 6 and some of the images just stuck with me, though I hardly remembered the storyline or even the title. Just recently I had a brainwave, googled "animation desert planet angel with no face" (because that's all I could concretely remember), and it somehow brought me back to this movie. When I checked out the screenshots I was like "Yes!! That's it!!".

Anyway, just got it on rental and watched it again for the first time in... well, ages. Well worth the wait, this film was definitely ahead of its time. Also interesting to note that Moebius, one of my favourite artists, was involved in the making of this movie.


Well, the DVD version is on French.

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.



remember bits and bobs of the film. the horse alien thing that was the boys friend - but got eaten by the plant over head tentacle thing. remember the old man being ejected into space - only remeber this because 2 weeks later a bunch of us lads sat and watched Alien for the first time. the angel man being killed at the end. thats it really. i certainly remember being enthrawled by it to no end. never seen it since. not sure if i want to! i remember the horse alien thing being killed as a really sad moment!
