Spooney's Review

Watch Spoony's review of this horrible movie

http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/bt/spoonyone/reviews/27141-mazes-and- monsters



I just watched Spoony's review before I came to IMDB to check out the user boards...LOL!! Spoony's AWESOME!!!

If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it put this as your signature


Don't laugh. This movie opened my eyes...I still can't watch a Tom Hanks movie without thinking of that scene in the phone booth.

"I have always valued my lifelessness."


I recently rewatched Spoony's review and when he riffs on the phone call scene with Benzaie it is amazing. I also loved the many hats.

We're not playing Yellow Car.--Martin
You're always playing Yellow Car.--Arthur
