the 'wild' horses

I love the man from snowy river, and the best part is the "wild" horses when they trample Jim. Why? Because clearly there is a man on a horse hearding them, it makes me laugh every time.



ooh.. did u ever read the movie box?? on the back it says "one hundred wild stallions".... Hmm.. anyone else see a problem with that?


Diana Wynne Hones in "The Tough Guide to Fantasyland" (an encyclopidia of all the cliches in Fantasy) under the section for HORSES says:

"HORSES are of a breed unique to Fantasyland. They are capable of galloping full-tilt all day with out rest . . .No mare ever comes into heat and no stallion shows an interest in a mare; . . . It therefore seems probably that they breed by polination. This theory seems to accountof everything, since it is clear that the creatures do behave more like vegetable than mammals."

Substitute "Hollywood" for "Fantasyland" and you've got it.

Get the book - it is a scream!


thats hilarious.. and sorta true


I know this is an old post, but I have to comment. I have often thought that when I watch these movies. The horses are pounded to death! They are a living creature and, like all living creatures, need rest, food and water; yet apparently people can ride them all day and tie them to a post for 4 hours whilst they go and refresh themselves, then come back out, jump on the horse and start riding again.

...but...the horse?!
