Brumby Names?


Does anyone know if the old stallion who led the Brumbies had a name? I don't have a copy of the film and haven't seen it in a while.

Thanks for any help you can give!


I am pretty sure that the old stallion had a name, but I don't remember it. Next time I watch the movie, I'll be sure to make a note of it.


Warning *** Spoilers***

When Jim brings Jessica back to the farm house with Spur after Harrison gets back they have a 'discussion' in the dining room where Mrs Hume (Jessica's Aunt) tells the story of why Spur and Harrison hate each other. She does not name the horse, just says "Spur gave your mother a wedding present - a young colt. Old Regret's first foal." And then how Harrison was jealous and wanted to shoot the horse, but Matilda (Of Waltzing Matilda fame and Jessica's mother) turned the horse lose and then Spur says "Matilda's colt is now the old stallion." and then Jim says "He leads the brumbies."

The new colt (Old Regret's last colt) that Jim tried to break in did not have a name either, it was just referred to as the colt. The new colt is not named in Return to Snowy River.

However he names the horse that he used in the first movie to bring back "the colt from Old Regret"

And one was there, a stripling on a small and weedy beast,
He was something like a racehorse undersized,
With a touch of Timor pony—three parts thoroughbred at least—
And such as are by mountain horsemen prized.
He was hard and tough and wiry—just the sort that won’t say die—
There was courage in his quick impatient tread;
And he bore the badge of gameness in his bright and fiery eye,
And the proud and lofty carriage of his head.

His name was Denny, poor baby, I could just smack that Patton kid!


Actually, in The Return to Snowy River, the colt was named Summer Cloud. Harrison is getting ready for a race when he says "Where in the devil is Summer Cloud?"


Your right!
I must of been visiting the little girls room during that bit. Thanks tammytkpr.


No problem. I've watched this movie a million times and almost know it by heart.


I just finished (re)watching this movie and am halfway into Return.
In the first movie, the new colt is referred to as just that, Old Regret's Last.

However, in the first part of the Return, when Harrison and Patton are outside getting ready for the race to start, Harrison says, "Where's Summer('s) Cloud?" to which Patton replies, "Already lined up, just waiting for mine" and we see a screen shot of the jockey (jessica) on the black colt.

I don't remember if he said Summer Cloud or Summer's Cloud, but there you go!


The old colt (who leads the Brumbies in "Man from Snowy River") is named Pardon in the Cup. I just realized this, while thinking about the movie in the shower (such a great place for deep thinking, I know.) We know this because of what Aunt Rosemary says in telling Jessica the story about her mother, Spur, and her father. And also from something Spur says later on. Here are the exact quotes:

"About 20 years ago, two brothers fell in love with the prettiest girl in the district. Oh, she was young and life for Matilda was like childish games. Well, both the men wanted her hand in marriage, but she couldn't choose between them. So she decided the first one to make his fortune would be her husband. She hadn't the faintest idea
what chain of events that would set in motion. Well, one of the men scraped all his savings together and gambled in one bold throw - a horse named Pardon in the Cup. It won, at 50-to-1 . He was wealthy."

That was Old Regret's first foal. However, I'm not 100% sure that Pardon in the Cup is the old stallion, because of this line, a while later:

"Spur gave your mother a wedding present - a young colt. Old Regret's first foal. But your father couldn't stand the thought of another man giving her anything. Your mother feared for the horse and turned it loose. Spur saw it running free and came to tell her. And your father found them together. Oh, it was all quite innocent, but... your father was in a rage and... Spur was shot. Matilda decided to leave. In a way, she did go of her own accord... when you were born."

So the question is, did Harrison gamble and win the colt (the old stallion) or did Spur buy it for Matilda for a wedding present? Maybe a plot hole there.

But then Spur says this, which makes me believe Pardon in the Cup IS the old Stallion: "You're more a part of this, Jim, than you realise. Matilda's colt is now the old stallion."
Jim: He leads the brumbies.

In "Return to Snowy River," you hear Harrison yell, "Where the devil is Summer Cloud?" Someone replies, "Already out there," and we see the horse dancing around-- that is the young colt, Old Regret's last foal ("Old Regret, the last colt she foaled- irreplaceable!"), the colt Harrison purchased in MFSR for 1,000 pounds and which Jim broke in.

That is my deduction anyway. I've seen both movies hundreds of times. I hope that answers y'alls questions.


I'm going to have to pop in the ol' DVD to make certain, but my sense was always that "the Cup" was a reference to the race (c.f. the Breeders' Cup).


No, the old stalion is never named in either movie. The sentece you wrote

"Well, one of the men scraped all his savings together and gambled in one bold throw - a horse named Pardon in the Cup"

Refers to Harrison betting on the horse named Pardon in the horse race Melbourne Cup, which is the most prestigious and oldest horse race in Australia, called just "Cup" by Ozzies, they all know, what you are refering to, by saying just that ;) The old stalion was bought and given as Colt to Mathilda as a wedding present by Spur. Colt means very young horse, usually the one that has yet not been "broken in" aka ridden.


I was watching both as I wrote that...
