The Ending

The ending to this film is so bittersweet. In the last shot you see how much Kate Jackson misses Zach despite her new husband and son. It always touches me for some reason. A love that is beyond her reach.


I agree with you 100%. Jackson does a sublime job of evoking an incredible amount of emotion from just a couple lines and a few facial expressions. In my opinion, one of the few moments captured on film that strikes the perfect balance between being moving without being maudlin. Very subtle & sincere.

You mentioned "bittersweet", which is the best way to describe the ending. The "bitter" part being the sense of loss of a life that "could have been" raising a family and being with Zach. The "sweet" part is that she also realizes she has achieved unconditional love and forgiveness. It becomes more important to her that Zach is happy in his new life than her own selfish needs.



I only just saw this last night and I think I fell asleep on the very end of it. What happens? The last thing I remember seeing is Kate Jackson going to some guy's house after finding his phone number in one of her husband's jackets that he left behind.

Dream is Destiny


Couldn't agree more... this moment was either missed or disregarded by critics at the time of the film's release, as many of them slated the movie for having a mushy 'happy' ending (amongst other things). Yes Zack has found happiness, and yes Claire almost has what she wanted - a happy marriage, a child. All's well that ends well? Not quite... Jackson plays the scene to show us just enough that she still loves her former husband, still misses him, perhaps still sadly thinks 'if only...' So kudos to Kate in probably her best performance (witness also Zack's confession scene, and Claire's terribly sad telephone conversation with her father for further evidence of this). TV's gains was cinema's loss, if you ask me.


Agreed, KJ was exceptional in this movie.


I just watched this movie again tonight (saw it at the cinema when it first came out).

The ending is a real tearjerker - while she now has a husband and child, she still loves Zach, and wonders what could have been.

For me, it's the best scene in the film, and I love the Roberta Flack song.


What Hiller wants you to notice is the driveway that splits in two directions to emphasize the two different directions Zack and Clair are taking in life.



In the New York sequence prior to the final scenes at the funeral and at Claire's home where she and Zack bid farewell, we see that Zack has found happiness with a new partner. The partner is never referred to by name and I don't recognize the actor who plays the part. Since there's no character name to go by, the cast list doesn't help. Does anyone know who the actor was?

I agree that the ending is indeed bittersweet. Both Zack and Claire have moved on and found happiness, but it's quite clear that they still love each other and have a bond that will always remain.

In some ways, this underrated gem is more satisfying to me than "Brokeback Mountain," which has such a sad downer for an ending. "Making Love" holds up very well and has made more of an impression on me now than it did when it was first released over 20 years ago.


it's on HBO right now.


Ha, Im watching too Studman..HBOSE


haha, did you get through the whole thing? I fell asleep!


Uh, huh.
