Towards The Ending

This was a great film, a classic, the acting and the script were fantastic. except the racist stuff, but it was politically itnersting. Anyways, towards the ending, where the police officer hits Trevor with club, where exactly does he hit him, because looking from Trevors face it seemed like he hit him ina very sensitive place.

Used to be trukissfan247.


I got the impression he got a whack across the knuckles. Tim Roth immediately withdraws his hands and hides them by his sides.


i thought it was the knee cap


Heh, I thought it was the thigh.


Knowing the director there is a good chance the blow was real.


Well the blow definitely looked real, and i would say it was his leg or knee cap that got hit.


Regardless of where it was, truncheons hurt so it was a realistic blow. I can't agree with the original poster's disdain for the racism in the script and I feel it necessary to point out that we did have racism in Britain in 1982. It would have been extraordinarily unrealistic not to have included something that would have been very prevalent in that situation.

Perhaps if such a movie is made in future we can drop the racism, maybe even the harsh language too (possibly replace it with menacing stares), just for the tender touches amongst us. I however personally enjoy a bit of realism when watching a realistic movie.

With your feet on the air and your head on the ground, try this sig with spinach, yeah!


I am still just amazed this was a TV production.
Alan Clarke really missed out, as did Mike Leigh with Meantime. You release these as films and they would have dominated film festivals all over.


"Sounds Great"

Bounty Hunters! We don't need that Scum.


I think it should have been longer,and made into a proper movie,not just a tv movie.That would have been better,although the film is great anyway,but i just would have preferred that !.


I would say, from the position he was sitting in (back against the wall, knees bent) and the fact that he was hit with the club coming from the right hand from someone standing directly in front of him, that he took a shot to the inside of his right thigh or lower leg. That would sting like crazy and make anybody turn bright red.


Just checked this out frame by frame. He is definitely hit on the left knee-cap. In the following 2 seconds of film you can actually see Trevor's face and neck become noticeably flushed - the sort of thing you would expect when someone has just experienced pain. I can't see how you can fake that.

