This one and

The one from 1956 (French version) are the best if only in 1956 Esmeralda would have died hanged , also I do not like the ending of this one, yes this one is true to book, but the one from 1956 did a better job in my opinion, this Esmeralda tough I like her and she did a good job but she was a really really really bad dancer! I prefer the one from 1956 better tough.


I prefer this 1982 version. The 1956 version has a depressing effect on me and I don't like the dubbed voices. I think David Suchet as Clopin and Derek Jacobi as Frollo are the really great performances of the 1982 film. Anthony Hopkins is good but seems to have been determined to be the Charles Laughton of the 1939 version. I think I perefer the coolness of Leslie-Anne Down(1982) rather than the fieriness of Gina Lollobrigida(1956).


The 1956 version is the best.
It is available in a subtitled version.

"Active but Odd"


I agree, the 1956 version is the best so far.
Alain Cuny is excellent as Claude. And we get to see his laboratory!

"Active but Odd"
