MovieChat Forums > Gandhi (1983) Discussion > To be remade starring Benedict Cumberbat...

To be remade starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Gandhi

I for one am excited for this reboot and its modern take on this fractured time in history. Cumberbatch should kill it!


What?? When is it coming out?

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Another fookin remake !! Sick to death of them . It's a classic film that won best picture in 1982 for god sakes . How do you expect to improve on that ? You can't .! Benedict is a good actor but what are they going to do ? Make his skin dark and shave his head ? ( get ready for the racist back lash ) plus with millions of Indians out there we use a Caucasian dressed up as an Indian . At least hire one of the many actual Indian actors to play one of the biggest figures in their history .
