MovieChat Forums > Gandhi (1983) Discussion > mahatma gandhi is the greatest world le...

mahatma gandhi is the greatest world leader of all times

gandhi's greatness goes beyond india's independence movement. he is truly a world leader.though his ideology has faded in recent times


I'd certainly have to agree.





The power of Gandhi is that he LIVED these principles and truths. He put these truths, which exist in all religions at their core, into practice. And, yes, we all can do the same.


The world? I don't think so, because it appeared he only cared if you were white or indian and only if you were upper caste. The movie is basically a fictionalized account of who he *really* was in thought and deed.


Oh good grief, it was Gandhi who liberated the untouchables and successfully fought for the peasantry against land taxes and dozens of other reforms. You don't know the least bit about what you are talking about.

In terms of other races, Gandhi stated "It may be through the African Americans that the unadulterated message of non-violence will be delivered to the world.” He called anti-Semitism “a remnant of barbarism.” And so on and so forth. He saw himself as all races, all religions, all classes, all nationalities.


he did a lot of things for a lot of people just to include some who weren't white or Indians are muslims, he stood up for them against Zionists during the acts of horror they've done against Palestinians and a lot more .


if I could spent one day with anyone from the history, I'd choose Gandhi. Such an inspirational person! I just wish we'd all be like you! RIP
Feel free to visit Gandhi's tribute!


No - Margaret Thatcher was the greatest ever for the uk, Ronald Reagan for the US, and for India its a tough one as they have all been so corrupt


Comparing Gandhi to Thatcher and Reagan is an insult to humanity.

Reaganomics still haunts the United States. It has ruined the economy and inflicted the aristocracy of money, that Jefferson warned against, upon the people. Even Laffer no longer believes the Laffer curve was good for America.

Gandhi was not perfect, but he was a far better man than Ronald Reagan.


To compare Ghandi to Ronald Reagan is ridiculous. Reagan traded arms for hostages and had the Iran Contra deal that he made North fall on his sword for.

Ghandi was the closest second coming of Jesus(if you believe in him, which I do not) in history.


Gandhi was a warped character who hated women, was cruel to children and inflicted indignities on his subordinates. His antics probably delayed India's independence. Indians owe their freedom to Adolf Hitler. World War Two exhausted the British and forced them to give up the sub-continent.


I do not fallback to insults, that said your analysis is faulty. Ghandi had already made great accomplishments in South Africa prior to focusing on India. His methods in SA worked and provided results in India.

Sometimes leaders must bide their time(look at Malheur and Nevada) to accomplish their results with the least loss of life.

Ghandi was great, everytime I watch this movie I am left in tears. Your ascribing his accomplishments to Hitler is asinine.


As an Indian I find myself lucky that we were born in different eras but at places so close to each other...I was born about 300miles from where he was born...And it inspires me to do something similar...
I am not proud, I just feel lucky...
He was different, he was above all smaller things...he had a grand view...too naive some would say...
He tried his best to integrate Hindus and Muslims and failed eventually, must have broken his heart...good man he was...English themselves were in awe of him and they sure considered him crazy.


His racist views towards black people automatically disqualify him from that honour. Martin Luthor King or Nelson Mandela are more deserving of that title because they truly believe in equality for all, regardless of skin colour.

Ghandi was a product of his culture, and unfornately even today Indians are still obssessed with skin colour, generally the darker you are the uglier you are, they believe.


Please add the racist remarks towords "blacks" that you are siteing.


I agree.

"Gandhi was adamant that “respectable Indians” should not be obliged to use the same facilities as “raw Kaffirs”. He petitioned the authorities in the port city of Durban, where he practised law, to end the indignity of making Indians use the same entrance to the post office as blacks, and counted it a victory when three doors were introduced: one for Europeans, one for Asiatics and one for Natives." (Taken from a Telegraph newspaper article)

In fact, it can be said that what he did went a long way to extend racial segregation in South Africa.


I had to watch Gandhi tonight. It's been a terrible election season with The Donald, backed by Vladimir Putin.

It's an amazing film, and he was an amazing man.

Anyway, it would be foolish to judge him by the standards of perfection expected in 2016. Nobody's perfect, to quote the final words of another movie.
