I remember this

I saw this movie about 10 years ago and even though it was cheesy and had bad acting, I loved it. The story was really unique and this is definately one of my favorite slasher films. Did anyone else like it?


The story was not unique, it was a rip-off of psycho. just the mother/son role was changed to husband wife. the wife went crazy, killed the husband, preseved him and kept his body in the basement. she then developed a split personality and killed people staying at her inn. kind of like in psycho, where he killed his mom, perserved her, and put her in the basement. he developed a split personality and and killed people staying in his hotel


Does anybody know the name of a film, where a female mortician hides the
living crippled body of her girl friend's killer in a secret storage lower
space within her girlfriends coffin ? I think it has a similar title and
took place in a southern funeral Home. The killer gets buried with the victim.


Bad acting? I thought the performances were well enough.


Same here. I thought it was very well-acted! I adored the lead actress Lesleh Donaldson. The actress playing Mrs. Chalmers was fine, too. In fact, I felt rather sad for her character.


I was surprised at how strong the performances were, considering that a lot of films like this have horrible actors. This isn't a great film, but it has decent atmosphere and fairly strong direction. If it didn't meander so much to get to the inevitable "surprise," I'd like it more. 6/10 stars.


I'm watching it for the first time right now. It rules. People are still arriving. That chick in the green top is kind of beastly.

Communism was just a red herring.



Sorry for being almost ten years late in replying to your post, but I wanted to write that I enjoyed "Funeral Home" as well. I agree with you about the "bad acting" and the other folks who said it wasn't so bad. The two female leads are very good in this, but at least a couple of the supporting actors are awful.

I've watched a few of the low-budget Amazon Prime horror movies, and this one is the best I've seen yet!



I like some low budget horror. And this one kept me interested. I'll be looking round for some more of the same from the early 1980s. I've rated it 6/10.
