MovieChat Forums > Firefox (1982) Discussion > Was the original ending different?

Was the original ending different?

Just watched this movie on TV and the ending is different from what I remember. I saw it as a kid in the cinema and the way I remember it ending was though Clint defeated the other MIG, he ended up crashing into the ice pack. One reason why I remember it like this was at the end of film, they immediately started showing a trailer for Firefox Down, with shots of Soviet troops rushing through the ice, racing to beat the Americans to the downed plane. As an 11 year old, I really wanted to see this as I felt I had only been told half the story (got the same feeling with 'Empire').

I've find no reference that the movie originally ended like this Does anyone else remember the movie this way or am I going mad??


I've never heard about that. But as an 11 year old, I imagined a lot of things about movies too. :)


OP, according Wikipedia the ending you describe, and "Firefox Down", exist only in the universe of FF *novels* -- the sequel novel was never made into a film (and the first novel ended the way you described in your post).

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Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia,
Darren Dirt.


Hi Darren,

Thanks for your post.

The thing is I never read the book (though was aware of it). I saw the film when it was first released and clearly remember a trailer for the sequel (or think I do anyway)which never came.

Maybe it was all a dream.


no your not mad, both me and my dad also remember the firefox crashing and hense a trailer for the second book firefox down... for years my dad was convinced they made firefox down a movie... they need to make the sequal.. firefox was a great flick


I saw it in the theatre as well as a strange commercial for the 'intellivision' video game system. The ending I remember is Gant escapes, there is no crash.


I still have my Intellivision and about 25/30 games. Still works.


I'm really glad you said this, i clearly remember an advert on tv for the novel Firefox Down, here in the UK, sometime after Firefox was on the cinema, the advert featured the plane coming down in the snow (not on the ice pack) and Russian troops in the snow (wearing arctic gear), running, hitting the ground and firing on the plane. There are no shots in the movie where Russian troops do this in a snowy setting.
I thought i'd imagined this, so i'm glad someone else remembers it, probably they filmed little bits on location they felt they could insert if the sequel was going to be made. Its a shame it never got made, Firefox Down is a great follow up book.



Thanks for your comment as it sound like we both remember the same advert and wasn't a figment of our imaginations!
