Mark could have had it all!!!!

Man, stacy would have let him fill out all his teenage fantasies that night. anything he wanted. She was willing to do it all!!!!!!!!!! She didn't even want him to leave , she even tried to get him to stay. So, it was all there for him for the taking!!! He could have got her in the shower. on the bed on the couch. on the floor. anywhere and anything...


Yes he let a great opportunity go


He was just too SHY! He was the only 1 in the locker room w/ hiz clothes on! Besides the gym teacher!


I could see that


That's the whole point of their characters. He's too shy, lacks confidence, and wants to take things slow. She, on the other hand, is the complete opposite and would probably give anyone a chance with her.

I know watching that can be frustrating for those of us that would never in a million years pass that chance with lovely Stacy. But ultimately, he got her and probably taught her to appreciate being in a relationship (may sound boring to many but hey).


Exactly this.

Stacey's story was very compelling to me because it presented this kind of bittersweet place where she wanted to just explore a relationship and try to fall in love, but because she was influenced by somebody else' worldview - Linda's views about sex and relationships - she wasn't going for what she wanted, but allowing herself to be taken advantage of. Her story is about her taking a stand to go after her ideals instead of somebody else'.


So, do you provide a similar Capt Obvious running commentary for other movies?

"Man, Travis Bickle totally could have gotten a second date with Betsy if he hadn't taken her to that porno theater!"
