Parental Advisory

I need to know, is there any nudity or sexuality in this film? Thank you.


Umm...two instances of quite brief (partial) nudity, I wouldn't say they are anywhere near exploitative, they serve dramatic purpose and you won't actually see nipples or like that. Only one of them is an overtly sexual situation.


There's a few scenes that would be disturbing to children, more mentally disturbing than shocking, so I guess it's fair to say kids below 13 y.o. (as goes normal maturity of kids) shouldn't see the film, in either version, without an adult they trust.
Alexander gets "interrogated" and spanked by his cold stepfather, and in a very brief shot something even worse - and supernatural - happens to him to cap the punishment. Well before that, the kids' lustful and bawdy uncle tricks his busty and much-tried wife (who knows he's entertaining a liaison with their young nanny) into a quickie in bed about an hour into the film, but that's not a shocking scene in any sense, it's actually quite funny through the dialogue (not that dirty) and their interplay. And the "bed moment" is very brief. - There's no nudity in the "spanking" scene, the second instance of nudity is in a critical scene towards the end where it would be too much of a spoiler to even hint what goes on, and it's not serious nudity, just brief stroking over somebody's bared upper chest.

There are a few more glimmers of violence, but they have been weaved into the story and don't stand out so as to create blatamnt shocks. This is a very life-affirming and warm movie, sometimes highly comical too, and the acting and sets are fabulous. No one should be robbed of seeing it.

And by all means watch it with subtitles. I don't know what the English-language dubs are like but the actual original voices add a huge amount to the characterization and rhythm of the film.

Mr.Hitler has made life very difficult for Shakespearian companies.
