MovieChat Forums > The Evil Dead (1983) Discussion > the stop motion is creepy

the stop motion is creepy

a lot of people don't like stop motion but it think it looks farily real and creepy at the end of this

you must do what you think I right of coarse


I like it too- it has an other-worldly and creepy effect that modern CGI can never duplicate.

"The sport is in the trackin' an' the huntin'..."


The scene at the end with the Deadites melting and tongue licking? Yeah. I love it! Adds a very surreal quality


I think stop motion can look better than badly done cgi, ex. compare The Thing to The Hobbit 2 scene when Legolas was fighting the Orcs in that water town.


I think it looks really good in this movie too.


People who don't like stop motion are simply not from this Earth.

A Superman without trunks isn't worth watching or reading about.
