Favorite Scene(s)

My favorite scene in this movie is of course the scene where the fool makes the time-less attack on the evil-doer, but I also thought the scene where Höglund throws the poor farmers money in the fireplace and talks about punctuality and then just sings a christmas-song in front of the poor farmer who is totally bankrupt on X-mas eve! That scene symbolized pure evil, and I was really glad when he got his in the end of this movie...



I'm sorry if this ruins it for you, but the factoryowner, Höglund, did not get killed, atleast not by Sven. Maybe Anna killed him, but I doubt it.

The movie contained a number of good scenes. I personally likee the scene where Sven drives the tractor, and the "houll i bouttan" - "gift för fan" scene. Throwing the money in the fireplace was a very strong scene, indeed.

Lian, Norway


You mean he wasn't killed?? But in the dream he died, didn't he? Or was it a dream? Why were the men chasing them if he hadn't killed Höglund?
I gotta see it again sometime, I've only watched it once..

-This is my John Hancock?



Yeah, why would the cops show up otherwise? At least the evil man was killed in Sling Blade, which ripped this movie off.

"When you're slapped you take it and like it!" H. Bogart, Maltese Falcon


Oh yeah, I never really thought about that before... good thing they've just shown both movies on danish tv recently...

But c'mon, 'Sling Blade' didn't "rip this movie off" that much... although Billy Bob probably saw it, since there was a few references.
(retarded guy kills bad guy with a scythe, because the bad guy wants to hurt the woman/people he loves, retarded guy gets punished)
- but both movies were pretty good.

Secundus: I loooove children!


Yeah, they were both great, but Sling Blade is very "inspired" by Den Enfaldige Mördaren.

"When you're slapped you take it and like it!" H. Bogart, Maltese Falcon


I loved the scene where sven is walking up with the scythe in his hands, ready to kill, and the angels are following him...its very powerful. Also the scene where he throws the money in the fireplace made everyone watching cry out in unfairness :P


Ni menar alltså att Höglund inte skulle dö av att bli slagen med en stor såg i huvudet?

"Giggety Giggety Goo.."


Hey, Carl_Serung, I don't think most people here really understands what you're saying. But I'm confused now too, because I also thought he died.

Last movies seen:
Den enfaldige mördaren - 9/10
La Vita è Bella - 9/10
Detroit Rock City - 8/10


So Höglund didnt die when he was hit by a Saw in the head??

"Giggety Giggety Goo.."



Really?? It have been year since i saw this movie. Coul you make som screenshot so i can see??

"Giggety Giggety Goo.."



The whole ending is just as good as cinema is alowed to get in my opinion. From when they butcher Svens motorcycle (it's a crime, you don't do that to an indian) and the angels and lastly when he kills him. Yes, Höglund dies. For god's sake, why do you think it's called Den enfaldige MÖRDAREN? (Mördare = Murderer in english).

The ending overall has me shaking for minutes after watching. This is one of my alltime favorite movies, it is a little bit slow in the beginning, but after that, it is simply a masterpiece.

That's it, fetch my katana, it's butchering time.


I like the scene with the farmer who gets his money burnt.

In an interwiev with Mr Alfredsson he said that this scene is from a true story.
It happened to a poor farmer from around where he grew up.

And knowing that makes Höglund an even more evil.....

"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse." - Don Vito Corleone


