The last episode

I'd find it hard to pick a favourite out of all of them, but none of them caught me off-guard like the George episode did.

It was incredibly moving and I thought it was just about to end after the funeral. Then The Pub happened! I thought I'd wandered into an episode of the league of Gentlemen. An absolutely priceless scene. From shake hands man to the whistling chap me and my partner couldn't believe what we were seeing.


Yes, this was filmed in an actual real pub in Liverpool (The Green Man on Vauxhall Road) which we visited recently. You can see straight away it's the same pub from the outside, but sadly, the interior has changed beyond recognition.


I've always loved the last episode, talk about from the sublime to the rediculous, all in one short show.

There were many pubs like that back in the day. "Oh no, not another redundancy party!"


Peter Kerrigans performance and particularly his final scene are absolutley devastating.

If you have watched the entire series in one go - you are so emotionally drained that you really need that final scene in the pub.
