MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner (1982) Discussion > The Future RepubiKKKans want

The Future RepubiKKKans want

yeah they champion Big business Eldon Tyrell (Elon Musk) and Segregation of Replicants(The LGBTQIA+ Community and Minorities) yeah heed these warning you bigots.


Are you jealous joogle83?


i am a caucasian like you im trying to help us BE BETTER and stop misusing our privilege against miniotiie groups who don't deserve it I'm trying to put you on the right path.


I'm on the right path wokeboy.


no your no your no Klansman


Nice sentence half-wit



So the Alphabet People are Evil Androids? Makes sense. Are you ever going to complete Grade 4?


Odd how Musk was the voice of the people against TeH bIg OiL! according to the left just a couple years back but has become the target of endless hit pieces since he went after Twitter because he didn't like the suppression of people based on their political alignment.

Things that make you go Hmmmm.....


You got everything ass backwards bitch boy.


Assuming this isn't a troll, I pity you people who can't just enjoy a good film without forcing contemporary American politics into it.


im not a troll just saying it how its sci-fi movies have been cautionary tales since there inception.


Any group that is dehumanized by the mob, can end up being oppressed.

Today, the LGBQ activists and their woke aliies, ARE the mob, they ARE the oppressors.


Today, the LGBQ activists and their woke aliies, ARE the mob, they ARE the oppressors.

no they are not you RepublliKKKans are why so many of you side the AMTMP instead during the WGA Strike because they represent Big Business you would rather not have the writers see a cent of residuals.


Hollywood, Big Tech, Big Media, the Deep State, teh Dems, all joined at the hip with the Woke far left, to divide and oppress anyone that doesn't kow tow to the PARTY LINE.
