Discuss Blade Runner @

We can keep this group together. All here are welcome to join. Even the members I've butted heads with.

Discuss Blade Runner at sfmz's new forum http://www.scifimoviezone.com/sfmzforum.shtml

Current number of members: 1 

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


You're a good man, Smyslov :o)

"gonna throw, my raincoat in the river...gonna toss, my umbrella in the sea"...Sammy Turner.


Thank you, Ser raincoat. I've actually had this forum since 2011, but I never added it to the site so it had zero activity. Even if no members join, I realized that this would be a handy announcement page for recent projects added to the site.

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


i think everyone should immigrate there

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdTmT3wVBxM someone should remake hollywood


Hey thanks for populating the BR 2049 board with several topics.


This is just the Beginning

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdTmT3wVBxM someone should remake hollywood


Thank you, sfm . I thought you were shutting that site down? I'm fairly devastated by imdb's action. I'll navigate over to your site now and register.

Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention.


A couple recent projects renewed my interest and also it's silly to close it with it costing so little. Thanks for joining.

There's a privacy policy on my site I am legally bound to. It's displayed in my site info and in the forum. I noticed several new "freeforums.com or .net" are popping up, no privacy policy at all. Be cautious with those. Without a displayed policy, they have no legal obligation to protect your privacy.


C'mon guys, migrate over to this site so we can all continue the great discussions we've had over the years!


Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention.


If Cremer's "Directors And Other Artists On Blade Runner" thread wasn't so huge, I would transfer it there, but that would take forever. Now it will be forever lost. I did do a condensed version on my site here ... http://www.scifimoviezone.com/bladerunner05.shtml , but it's only a small sample.


I've got the entire thread copied. I've been doing it all along. But it's in Word because I didn't know how to save it in code.


Awesome, you can add attachments to your posts (doc, pdf, rtf, txt). So all you would have to do is attach the Word file. There's already a thread there created... "Directors And Other Artists On Blade Runner."
