Four Aggies Dead

I was just going thru the cast/bio section of this movie and noticed that, to date, FOUR aggies have died at a real early age. 3 out of the 4 died in 1990. For some, it indicated Aids.

Of course, most of these guys bio don't have pics so I don't know which ones from the movie have died. Does anyone have any info/pics that can lead to a who's who with the aggies? It would be nice to match the name with a face. It would also be helpful to see the pics of the chicken ranch girls. While alot of them did very little after the movie, some went on to act in some current, popular shows. Past and/or Present pics would be nice.




tsk, too bad you're a twit pinmy. Yes, AIDS is preventable but in 1982 when this movie came out there was very little to no education about prevention.



Do you know what his name is? A bunch of people have been asking, and I'm still trying to find him.

Porn Stars have feelings too.



The towel boy was, I believe, Tim Topper. I got that from someone who went to college with him. Last I heard, he was happily married.
Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?


I know one of them went on to a TV show in the 80s, then died of AIDS (I thought it was the towel boy but someone else here said he is married now?).

No doubt they recruited many if not all of those male dancers from Broadway, which would explain why they succumbed to AIDS (probably hit them before they knew what happened to them).

One dancer who is still very much alive is Jerry Mitchell (tall dark-haired one). He went on to create "Broadway Bares" - an annual charity event where the best of Broadway chorus boys and girls do elaborate numbers while scantily clad. Always a big money-maker.

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"


Do you think any of the A&M players were straight? I would imagine some are gone, and it didn't get put on IMDB.


I noticed this some years ago and it makes watching the film the equivalent of seeing a movie with the World Trade Center is included, for no one could have imaged the horror that was going to prevail.

Very sad, for they were so young and such extremely talented dancers.
Although it became famous for the shower shot, the dancing afterwards in the locker room was really quite incredible and has never been credited for the level of difficulty that was achieved.

Unlike the the musicals of the last decade,(Chicago comes to mind), where the dance sequences were a series of one second shots edited together, the synchronized shuffle, pulled off in cowboy boots and shot in a single unedited take was brilliant.


I guess soap and water did not prevent AIDS at the Chicken Ranch. Some or all of those guys may have been gay. Notthattheresanythingwrongwiththat. They may have also been partying at bathhouses and similar establishments.


Funny, I am watching this right now (on regular TV so the good parts are edited out heheheh) and was wondering the same thing- how many of them are dead from AIDS now. So I came to IMDB to check the cast list and found this posting. It really is a shame - these guys from the early 80s are the epitome for me- masculine, hairy, with longer hair (I guess since these were the type of guys I saw growing up and coming into my own sexuality).


They had a very sexy natural look and weren't overly metrosexual or manscaped! You have good taste! Gay and straight could both enjoy their look!

"Getting old is not for sissies."
Bette Davis
