Favorite Lines

I want to start a thread on everyone's favorite lines. Here goes...

DEPUTY FRED: Everybody like Ed Earl. Especially Ed Earl.

MISS MONA: He called me by name?
ED EARL: Worse than that, the son of a bit** said my name!

WOMAN: I'm just waitin' for Ed Earl to get here. He's gonna kick that boy's ass.

Not sure about the line, but I loved when Ed Earl called Melvin P. Thorpe a televisin' turd.

And the best is the first line of the movie when Jim Nabors says in that accent of his "It was the nicest little whorehouse ya ever saw!


"I'll expose the facts although it fills me with disgust...
Please excuse the filthy dark details -- and carnal lust!
Loveless copulation goin' on...and it must stop!
(stop this copulation! Loveless copulation!"

-- Melvin P. Thorpe


One of my favorite lines is when one of the girls asks Deputy Fred a personal question. In the original version, she asks "How's your tallywhacker hangin'?" To which he embarassingly replies, "fine." In the edited-for-television version she instead says "How's your love life doin'?" which isn't quite as funny.

Any lines with Jim Nabors as Deputy Fred are funny, and altho this isn't a line, the scene where he's shown whittling a chain and actually making progress are some of my faves.


Ed Earl - Number 2, you ain't the law around here and I am. So don't be telling me what my G#*damn job is or I'll whip your butt so bad it'll look like the stripes on a barber pole.

Team EDWARD!!!


Miss Mona: You ain't nothing but a two-bit sheriff!
Ed Earl: That maybe true, but atleast I ain't no whore.

May not be exact, it's been years since I saw the movie.


Japanese slingshot!
