Murdocks Orders

I love his orders

- "I want a 6 ft trench dug around the entire base,you fill it with Gasoline
- "get the women and children to the lower shelters"
- "contact the Japanese Ambassador"
- "get me a complete file on everyone one who have seen The Sound Of Music 4 times"

I love Shatner the man is insane in his own way lol



Hahaha so true or the classic when he is speaking with him on what we think is a video conference yet he's just behind the door and opens it

"Why the hell aren't I told these things!!!" Hahaha



I think this may be the first time he parodied "The Shatner", which he eventually ran with. Like Adam West, if you can't avoid the stereotype, you may as well embrace it and make a living off it.
