
I found this show this year. My wife remembers watching it back in the day. I would have enjoyed it back then. I like seeing some of the lesser-known Marvel heroes get their day(s) in the sun. I saw the skyline of New York City on an episode recently and I saw the World Trade Center (sigh).

But this is about Firestar. Or any of the female characters. Does it seem to anyone else that the show is obviously drawn by men, and the female characters are very well detailed? They run, lay down, get up, bend over and kneel over over and over. Firestar does all this, and its easy to see that a man probably draws her.

Its a good show. Excellent stories, good voices. I'm glad to see the Marvel heroes now get their own movies.


LOL, my wife always comments on how the women look in comics or cartoons. Her comment is usually "you know that's a man drawing her."


obviously, like a woman would draw an "unnatually" well endowed female running around n stuff.
Unfortunatly, I'm do inks on a small local comic book and our female character is described as I forementioned. Sad, I guess, but a flat woman character probbly wouldnt sell, even to lesbians, but maybe im wrong.

Insubordination Rules!


Her outfit is skintight for a 80s cartoon. I Think it would be neat to
bring back this show like JLU updated and surpassed the Superfreinds.
The only thing about Firestars transformation is her mask invisible?
Where does it go? in Her jeans pocket?


Firestar's hot! I'd date her

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop & look around once in awhile, you could miss it." F.B.


"Firestar's hot! I'd date her"

I agree...though I must ask, was that pun *intentional*?;-)



My wife and I were just commenting on this the other day while watching an episode. I mean, they left *almost* nothing to the imagination... :-)

"I hate Illinois nazis." - Jake Blues


well yes duh it's no surprised what with guys drawing it, but have you looked at the men recently too? They're super buff or sexy brad pitt abs guys with amazing hair. Few are bald, and if they are it looks good on them. So really comics deal with absurd ideals of both men AND women.

Also male characters tend to be well endowed... dont' believe me check out namor in the recent civil war ep where he sits on a throne talking to sue storm and the way the artist has drawn it, your attention seems to go straight to his oversized crotch. Hillarious. no wonder the character has had so many wives. lol

"The Punk has had ENOUGH" - The Punk Manifesto


I didn’t find anything wrong with Firestar she fits the super heroine mold perfectly, she doesn’t need to expose skin and her breasts are appropriately sized. I think her character Design is respectable in comparison to the hordes of other female heroes who look like prostitute clowns.

I really wish they could do an update to the series Firestar was always my favorite spider friend she’s such a classic character I’m surprised they haven’t used her much since then.


If your looking for more of a firestar fix, They have her in the new spiderman loves mary jane comics written by Sean McKeever AND she was briefly seen in the civil war (quiting mind you... whoops). But yeah, no new cartoons. nuts.

I'm crossing my fingers that she'll be back in the comic world after civil war cools down.

"The Punk has had ENOUGH" - The Punk Manifesto


thanks dannerlc I will look into it.


I have been a longtime fan of Firestar, and also am hoping she will come out of retirement to join (maybe even lead!!!) the new June 2007 New warriors comic.
Doubtful, but you never know.

Michael W Anderson


Firestar rocks. Marvel Comics needs to come to its sense and publish more comics with her. She is undoubtedly one of the company's best-known female heroes.

A note to fans: Diamond Select Distibutors will be releasing a Firestar mini-bust statue in early 2008. It retails for around $45.


Amanda Conner drawing Power Girl. Nuff said
