the x-men adventure

does someone knows where i cand watch this episode? or others? i know that youtube has some but there isnĀ“t the x-men adventure


Firestar's origin is revealed in this episode about how she also dealt with a bully in school and also later joined the X-Men.
Spidey and Iceman join the X-Men to fight the Juggernaut at the end of the episode. here is a link to the episode "A Firestar is Born" - so far it is still up


A Firstar is born is a different episode than the "X-Men Adventure", I think there were actually several episodes that featured a few X-Men, but X-Men Adventure was actually an X-Men cartoon pilot and featured Wolverine, Prof X, Cyclops, Storm etc. it was one of the last Spiderman And His Amazing Friends aired, currently viewable on Netflix streaming

Or maybe not, lol..


Very weird voice for Wolverine in that one.


Wolverine is not present in "The X-Men Adventure". He appears in "A Firestar is Born" and is briefly seen at the end of "The Education of a Superhero". The X-Men featured in "The X-Men Adventure" are Professor X, Cyclops, Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Sprite & Thunderbird.
