MovieChat Forums > Silver Spoons (1982) Discussion > Why does Edward immediately accept Ricky...

Why does Edward immediately accept Ricky as his biological son?

I mean, he doesn't ask to take a paternity test or ask to look at any sort of documents. He just has the word that a child is his son, and that's the end of it. Keep in mind that in the pilot, Edward didn't even know that Evelyn, his ex-wife was pregnant when they split up.


Why does Edward immediately accept Ricky as his biological son?

He realized that having an underaged blonde boy around would spare him from having to keep putting down money on little Cambodian boys


Maybe he just wanted a son, so he didn't want to look too closely.


I think maybe due to the time period. Paternity tests are not that common.


I think this is the first post I have seen by you that doesn't have a thread link!

Instant sense of familiarity with Ricky? Did he just know as soon as he saw him? It wouldn't have suited his childlike sensibilities if he started to demand paternity tests.


I think this is the first post I have seen by you that doesn't have a thread link!

What the hell does that have to do with anything!? Why can't you respond to this question intelligently without personally insulting me first and foremost?


Well, it is notable.


How was that an insult? He was just pointing out something we all notice since the majority of your posts are links. I don't think that's a bad thing and it doesn't seem like Mustang did either. You seem extra sensitive to people pointing that out.


It was a surprising answer from TMC, and you are right I didn't mean anything by it, simply an observation. I actually always wondered if he was a member or some kind of media group posting.


He reacted that way to my son's post about him always posting links. I don't know what his deal is but that reaction to your post was uncalled for.

"I actually always wondered if he was a member or some kind of media group posting."

I wondered that as well when I first came to this site and kept seeing his links. Some of them I clicked and read and they were interesting. I mainly come here to see opinions on shows and movies before I watch them.

I'm always amazed at the vitriol that people post here. And the nastiness from some. ugh.


Yep, I just block people now when it appears obvious they are trolls.

The links can be interesting which is why I click or maybe used to click on his threads. So much for being curious about people and making an observation!

Anyway, members like that don't help the forum.


I do too. People that come here just to post nastiness are not worth my time. It's a shame that people can't act decent online. Or in person nowadays for that matter.


Your son started it by flat out saying that what I wrote was "stupid", so don't twist it and paint him as the victim when he went out of his way to insult me first. How in the hell am I supposed to know that you have a "shared" account and who exactly in your family is posting at any given moment?


And you practically come close of "excusing" your son's attitude by hiding behind being "angry at the world" over a family tragedy. My father died over 12 years ago and I don't go in and hide behind or use that as an immediately rationale whenever I get upset or into a disagreement with somebody online.


So it's okay for your son to right away, call other people's posts "stupid", yet I'm the only one who's being nasty and posting vitriol, okay then!?


I didn't come here expecting to deal with helicopter parents. Who in their right mind, if they aren't a helicopter parent, forces their children to share an account with their parents and in return, closely monitors each and every one of their posts? And then said parent blames others whenever something isn't satisfactory for your child.,to%20harm%20or%20not%20flourish.


Wow. I just always wondered if you were an actual member or part of some media group.

Anyway as others have pointed out it is notable that it lacks a link and I wasn’t the least bit insulting towards you.

I’m fact you were insulting towards me.


Your response sounded awfully snarky in my book. Why exactly, was it truly necessary or called for to preface your initial response with that "observation"?
