MovieChat Forums > Silver Spoons (1982) Discussion > Did anyone NOT like this show?

Did anyone NOT like this show?

I was about nine or ten when this show was on and my local tv station used to play it in reruns ad nauseum.

I remember not liking it because Ricky rarely seemed to be the person learning the life lesson. It was usually someone around him and he just seemed to observe. And some lessons seemed to have been unlearned by next week's episode.

Plus with all those toys, and that guy for a dad, you think Ricky would be more like ADHD or something.

Or maybe I had been watching too much Family Ties by then. hehe


Didn't get into it. I was thirteen when the show premiered and the only ones watching it around my area were teenage girls, including my little sisters that were in love with Ricky. I was called Ricky throughout school because I had the same color hair and wore those preppy white boy clothes.

PROUD member of the eighties generation


My 3 cents from watching the first season DVD:

1- While this is not a show that I would automatically think to tune into now, I did watch some of it when it first aired. I have absolutely no memory of ever watching it in syndication (either the first run final season or the repeats), but watching the DVD, I did remember certain specific scenes as they played: the scene at the concert where Edward commits to Kate was one and the Gary Coleman episode was another. I actually remembered certain specific jokes from these as teh actors said them (Bob: I work for PamAnn airlines Edward: Don't you mean Pan Am? Bob: No, I mean Pam and Ann- they're the gals that own the plane!)

2- The show wasn't trying to be anything more than what it was (basically a G rated series- it wasn't aspiring to win emmy awards) but for what it was I thought it was very well made with rather good actors (They got an Oscar winning actor to play the grandfather in what was essentially a kid's show). I really miss these videotaped sitcome that had that theatrical feel to them, no subplots, no overcaffienated, sarcastic, neurotic characters. The show had a lot of heart and while the jokes don't have me on the floor laughing, it's just a pleasant show. I can't think of any show on TV now that is like this.


I liked the first season best.-Katie

***Remember "Wheaton's Law"***


I got the first season DVD set and I love it. Ricky Schorder was very good in this. I really like his portrayal of his Chrarecter-Ricky Stratton. He did a fine job in the role.

They got a fine list of co-stars such as Mr. T, Jason Bateman, and my personal favorite-John Houseman as the cynical and grouchy Grandfather Stratton. Erin Gray also co-stars as Edward's Loyal Secretary.

In a very interesting Crossover Episode, Gary Coleman guest starred as his character in Diferernt Strokes "Arnold Jackson." here he is a reporter for his school newspaper. Gary Coleman Recently died resulting in head Injuries that he sustained in a fall.

R.I.P Gary Coleman.

I happen to dislike Archie Bunker with great passion and conviction



Oh, hell, yeah! I loathed this show with a fiery passion. Ricky Schroeder always seemed smug to me, and I always thought the show was limp as a comedy. The occasional attempts at more serious storylines were embarrassing, also.

That said, I watched it week after week for one reason: adolescent hormones. Erin Gray was smoking hot. Unfortunately, that peaked in the second season when she wore mini-skirts in almost every episode. She dressed much more conservatively in the final years.

I eventually became a big fan of Ricky Schroeder as an adult, though, and loved him on NYPD Blue.


the show sucked *beep*



I'm working my way through all of the episodes as quick as I possibly can. While I can't say that I DISLIKED the show, I can say that it's not at the top of my list of shows I'd ever care to watch on a loop. There's only a few episodes where I even laugh and the plots aren't even good, especially after Jason Bateman was written out of the show.

The Alfonso character is really pointless. I thought the pilot had promise, but for some reason, they dropped the dynamic in the pilot of Edward being child-like and Ricky being responsible and it turned into a typical cheesy sitcom. Erin Gray, however, was a goddess and can be credited for me sticking with this as long as I have...


As a kid, I liked the fashion but my parents wouldn't let me dress the same way as Ricky.

As an adult, season 1 is almost passable (while Jason Bateman was in it as his character and on-screen presence were miles above Ricky's), but later years are utterly shallow and wallowing in the "hip guest star of the week", Ricky would get in trouble and have zero punishment.


As a kid, I liked the fashion but my parents wouldn't let me dress the same way as Ricky.

Why? That doesn't makes no sense to me. Ricky was nicely dressed most of the time. I think most parents would love it if their kids would dress like that. Of course it was a differernt time & culture-but still I see nothing wrong with a kid dressing like Ricky did on the show.

I happen to dislike Archie Bunker with great passion and conviction



He affected that whole "sweater tied around the shoulders" thing, with loafers sans socks, pastel plaids, and softly spiked hair. Christ, if you were my kid and dressed like that, I'd tie you down and make you listen to Crass...

Cool it, Baby...just stick to your bumps and grinds.


It was the 80's and preppy was the thing. I always thought Ricky dressed for the times. He was a rich kid who wore Polo and Lacoste so in that respect it worked.


I remember watching this show, and liking it, but I don't recall individual episodes. That's how it is with some old school sitcoms for me.



I recall bits and pieces of the show.

It's absolutely a product of it's time and the entire series doesn't translate well today. You would have to make Edward Stratton an independent toy maker against BIG companies--vs constantly pointing out how filthy rich he is. It's cute for one or two scenes but after a while gets very redundant.

Him and Kate mixing business with pleasure is kinda interesting for a kids show. I bet they could show more today.


I used to enjoy watching this show, ok, maybe it isnt in my top ten but it brings back memories of when I was a kid. I loved Alphonso as Ricky's friend <3


I think anyone who didn't like it just didn't get the humor. I thought it was pretty good myself. I'd love to live in a house like that with a dad like that.


It was good with Derrick(Jason Bateman), not good without him!


