where is Tony Blankley?

can only find short message board posts saying he's been replaced by Monica Crowley. apparently he left the WashTimes in Sept for a PR firm. don't know if that's related to why he left TMG. anyone know anything?


I was wondering just the same thing. I've glanced at Wikapida and all it said was that he was on TMG. Hopefully somebody will come by with the knowledge.


Every spark of friendship and love will die without a hope
- The Arcade Fire


probably the same reason i stopped watching it: tired of being caught in the crossfire of eleanor clift & pat buchanan. both possess the lethal combination of being both shrill & stupid. just watching it for a few seconds today i had to jump behind the nearest chair for cover as my ears sensed terminal doom & sneak my remote over the chair trying & hoping i could get the tv on a different channel.

Golf clap? Golf clap.


He had been ill and tried to drastically alter his diet. I think he did some work for NPR (of all places) but eventually passed away.

"No Jews, or Negroes and very few Catholics and that's because I'm Catholic."


that's no good. rip tony.

We're not soldiers and he's not the enemy. He's a pizza man.
