White robes + Hood

Only thing missing is this group!


You think Eleanor is a member of the KKK? Ha!


Apparently, along with the numerous black people who have appeared on this show.

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most!!


Are you kidding? I've been watching this show forever and it's pretty balanced
and informative. They discuss domestic and global issues from liberal and conservative view points. Also, let's keep it real- they do have minority and
female panelists. In addition, I am always impressed that they often talk about African-American and Latino issues. I don't see these discussions on other political shows.


Perfect example of the thinking of a self styled "open minded progressive". What a laugh. This is maybe the only intelligent group political show on TV -- an even balance on the political scale and all of the participants are intelligent and insightful.



"Only thing missing is this group!"

You are a profoundly stupid person. The fact you exist depresses me.
