MovieChat Forums > The McLaughlin Group Discussion > Am I the only person under 65 who watche...

Am I the only person under 65 who watches this show?

I hope John McLaughlin lives forever, because this is the Sunday political show my boyfriend and I DVR and actually watch every week. JM's bulldog swagger is hilarious, and I can't stifle my giggles when Clarence Page's eyeballs pop OUT OF THEIR SOCKETS (aren't there treatments for whatever his eyeball condition is???) or that Nazi freakshow Pat Buchanan starts roaring at his own bad jokes. And I have to give it to the guy -- Buchanan says what most Republicans are too cowardly to admit they're thinking...

But really, it gives me a good idea of what Beltway insiders think about the week in politics, and delivers that conventional wisdom entertainingly, and without the pompous, self-serious BS of, say, Meet the Press. Unlike the other Sunday show hosts, McLaughlin is a parody of pomposity -- he takes political issues very seriously, but he NEVER takes himself seriously. Even Buchanan will sometimes charm me with his ability to make fun of himself (and occasionally shock me with the astuteness of his political analysis -- always followed by some outlandish KKK BS, but still).

So any other young or relatively young fans? And any gossip on how much longer the show will go on?


I'm in my twenties and love this show.


I'm 33 and I adore the show. I've been watching since This Week premiered in 1996. Prior to that, Sunday's were church days in our house-and there was no such thing as Tivo--so I didn't get to see The McLaughlin Group from the beginning in 1982. It wasn't until I left for College in 1997 that I really had the chance.

What I like is that unlike David Gregory who falls all over himself about how "in the beltway" he is-John McLaughlin is often the one asking questions about current events to Eleanor, Pat, Clarence, and Mort. It's a shame that he hasn't had an even bigger career in my opinion...but we're fortunate that he presses on. I think he would have been wonderful moderating the Romney/Obama debate instead of Lehrer by the way.

What I've hated lately though is Mort Zuckerman! What was once a semi-reasonable Canadian Democrat with a little of the yagotthat! New York Jewish attitude for good measure has been completely up-ended into a pompous, devoid of all humor, newly minted Conservative Republican. What the hell! If he wants to be mad at anyone--try to place the anger where the shoe freaking fits-on the unregulated Wall Street supported by Republicans that led him to lose money to Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme.

I still watch for Pat whose racism trickles out at every turn but has been stifled somewhat by a lack of news about Muslim radicals here lately...My favorite part is when he's asked about how the Republican Party needs to adapt to a changing electorate and work on getting the Hispanic vote. You can practically see the smoke coming out of his ears as he screams in his head: "dang it God, this is supposed to be an all White party, what the hell are you doing to me!!!"

I also adore Eleanor who still tries to talk over everyone and McLaughlin hardly ever helps her...

And poor sweet Clarence with eyes bigger than Tori Spelling's. If only his occasional mumbles and stumbling all over his words weren't so out-matched by Eleanor's shrillness.

The show will go on....I predict that similarly to Andy Rooney who died weeks after he officially left the building-McLaughlin will practically have to be wheeled out on a stretcher to his hearse.


it's a hip show. and mort zuckerman blows!

His name...was Julio Iglesias!


LOL your reply was hilarious. We should start a fan club. And the Andy Rooney comparison is completely apt.

And yes, Mort Zuckerman really has morphed into a strange version of the Mort I once (thought I) knew. But the way they now constantly tease him for being a multi billionaire makes up for it.

In New York the CBS affiliate has started running it at 6:30 am Sundays. For a week or two I was worried that John had passed, but now that I've found it it's OK by me because I DVR it anyhow. Incidentally, if you ever miss it, they post all the episodes on Youtube...


They don't tease Mort nearly often enough! And doesn't he have a tiny daughter who is only 4 and he is like what 75? Good grief!! I'm shocked Eleanor doesn't say something.

Wait, John knows what YouTube is? Thanks for the suggestion, I figured that this show was such a dinosaur that they had some VHS tapes that could be purchased on E-Bay and little more.


mort is a pimp.

The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money.-James Madison


it's a fun show to watch with popcorn.

πŸŽ„Season's Greetings!πŸŽπŸŽ…πŸŽ„


I'm 28 and I've been watching since 2009. I never miss an episode. I always set my DVR to record it. I love this show. I also must agree with posters that say that they are sick of Mort Zuckerman. Every week I hope he isn't on the panel and whenever he is I think to myself, "Oh God."


lately though is Mort Zuckerman!

Who knows what Joh's done with the $$$ he's made over the last generation but it wouldn't surprise me if Zuckerman has given him a few tips on what to do with it. He's on because of his wealth and nothing more.

" See dat scenery floatin by, you're now approaching NewportRI." Cole Porter


don't you mean 'oh vey!'

Season's Greetings


No, I watch it, too. I'm 52 and've been watching since I was 24,
when it was on Saturdays after "Superstars Of Wrestling": the greatest wrestling show EVER.
