Anyone Have Old Copies?

No, not trying to promote bootleg copying, but was wondering if anyone has old episodes on tape that they have converted to DVD?

I have about 5-6 tapes with hours of old episodes and "best of" moments I've collected in the 80's.

I really miss the reruns when they were on Trio...would love to see them again.


I've got some VHS copies of original aired episodes, some of my own "best ofs" and at least 3 tapes of when it was on Trio!


I have dozens of tapes. Quality is crap though. For about 3 year straight I have every Friday night show from the intro to the first commercial, then the little part after the first guest.

I will find the time to get into digital format.... probably just in time for them NBC to release them or something.


Maybe with Dave Retiring, maybe we'll get Worldwide Pants to release this on DVD or streaming. I missed the reruns from Trio.
