Michael Gross

Best. Comedic. Timing.
Thank you Michael


What instance are you referring to?

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


I always liked his deliveries.

I just watched Margin of Error where Alex invested in Steven's name in a company that was wiped out by a typhoon in Manila.

Steven says "I am the sole investor in an underwater video company in the Phillipines. They probably have my picture up with the caption, Our Founder."

He just says it so seriously and believably. I won't say deadpan. Tina Yothers had that. His is different.


He's my favorite. One of my favorite deliveries he had was when Alex told him he had sex for the first time and Steven said "How about those Cleveland Indians?" in the same way Alex told the girl earlier on in the episode. As a side note, she was in Friday the 13th part 2 for any horror fans out there.

I did sixty in five minutes once...
