Lacey boys

Aren't the two kids cute in the early seasons? They're showing Seasons 1-2 now on classic TV. It's so nice we get to see the same two actors grow up through the entire run of the series.

And Harvey Lacey - in contrast he appears not to age at all in seven years.


Yeah, always thought all three of the Lacey kids were adorable. I esp. thought Harv, Jr. took after his mum in beauty. In Burn Out, they even had the same gesture of pointing their finger out when making a point!

Christine + Mary Beth forever

Roseanne + Jackie forever


I just borrowed the season two DVD episodes from the local library. I had forgotten what cute little kids they were! I liked the later seasons episodes when Harv Jr. was all grown up. He even changed his name. I forget what it was but he didn't think "Harvey" was cool enough so he started to go by a different name. Does anybody remember what it was?

I liked the interplay between Harvey and Harv Jr. when the latter decided to join the Marines. His dad was totally against it. It was so true to life. Fathers and sons often disagree. They had so many arguments and poor Mary Beth was caught in the middle.


I'd forgotten those later eppies. So did Harve Junior become a Marine after all? And I wonder what he did change his name to or was it just temporary, a teen thing?

In my stories, I have Harve Junior as a social worker for New York City, has a girlfriend and one daughter and survives non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with a marrow transplant from Mary Beth.

Christine + Mary Beth forever

Roseanne + Jackie forever


by pjpurple-1
» Mon Dec 5 2011 15:06:28 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since December 2007
I just borrowed the season two DVD episodes from the local library. I had forgotten what cute little kids they were! I liked the later seasons episodes when Harv Jr. was all grown up. He even changed his name. I forget what it was but he didn't think "Harvey" was cool enough so he started to go by a different name. Does anybody remember what it was?

I liked the interplay between Harvey and Harv Jr. when the latter decided to join the Marines. His dad was totally against it. It was so true to life. Fathers and sons often disagree. They had so many arguments and poor Mary Beth was caught in the middle.

He wanted them to call him Sean ... after Sean Penn.
